Old Llantrisant Hill
- Returning now to the Ten Commandments
- A delicate subject
- Very painful for those who have experienced this
- Can trouble those who have committed adultery
- Definition - strict
- A betrayal of the marriage covenant
- A wider definition
- Matt 5:27-28 - lust in your heart
- Matt 15:19-20 - evil thoughts come from our heart
- A heavy subject to preach
- Alternatives that could be preached
- Looking at the Commandment as is
- Sexual revolution
- Consider the swinging 60's
- Sexual immorality now normalised
- We must remember what God's word says – Heb 13:4
- Overview:
- The physical sin
- The heart sin
- The remedy
The physical sin
- Marriage was instituted by God - explanation
- Adultery is a betrayal of this
- Consider the betrayal of trust and how this affects people
- Consider the hurt to children
- It affects society and wounds people deeply
- Jesus receives such sinners - examples
- Example of the woman at the well
- How has the church responded to adultery?
- How has the church viewed adultery?
- Has the church swung from one position to another?
- Are we afraid to talk about it - Solomon was not
- Look at the practical advice from Solomon in Proverbs 5
- Listen to God's word
- Take heed to God's law (v1-4)
- Do not ignore instruction (v21-23)
- Prov 6:23-24
- Prov 7:1-5
- The word of God is a guard from sin
- Enjoy marital intimacy
- Sex is God's gift within marriage (v15-20)
- 1 Cor 7:2-3
- For the single - if not a calling to singleness, seek a partner
- Same sex attraction - look to the word of God
- The repercussions
- Prov 6:32-35 – destruction of the soul
- The effects upon others
- The effects of revenge
The heart sin
- The eyes are the gates of the heart
- Consider Job - he struggled, he made a pledge
- Consider David - he looked upon Bathsheba and desire her
- People have "eyes full of adultery" – 2 Peter 2:14
- Pornography is rife on the internet
The remedy
- Sin comes from within – Matt 5:19-20
- We need cleaning from within our hearts
- We need a power to overcome
- This is available through the promise of the gospel
- It is still a battle - flee sexual immorality
- Christ purifies us – Titus 2:14
- Washed and renewed – Titus 3:4-5
- 1 Thessalonians
- This is a subject we need to take seriously - taking radical action
- What action are we taking
- The greatest thing we need to do is to keep our eyes upon Jesus and upon His word
- Look unto Jesus
- See what Jesus did for us in love - Explanation
- Run the race
- Love Him with all your heart