Old Llantrisant Hill
- Personal example
- Subject: human depravity and the image of God in man
- Starting a new series: Complimentary and Paradoxical Truths
- Various questions:
- To what extent has the fall/sin of Adam affected the human soul?
- Is there anything good left in us?
- How can unbelievers do kind acts?
- How can unbelievers display greater kindness?
- What is our attitude towards those who do not believe?
- What is common grace?
Human Depravity
- Theologians talk about the doctrine of total depravity
- This may conjure up the wrong image in your mind
- Morally depraved
- Totally sinful, totally corrupted
- The fall:
- The mind, will, conscience and memory are polluted
- Gen 6:5 - the intents of man's thoughts was continual evil
- Eph 2:3 - Human beings follow the inclination of their heart - which is to do evil
- Rom 7:15-16
- Rom 8:7 - the will is captive
- Tit 1:15 / Heb 9:14 - the conscience is seared and needs to be cleansed
- Jer 17:9 - the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked
- Rom 3:12 - all have turned aside to sin
- Isa 64:6 - our righteousness is like filthy rags
- We are in a sinful state/nature
- We are naturally inclined to sin
- We do not love God as we ought
The Image of God in Man
- Why then does Scripture describe those that do good?
- Acts 28
- 2 Kings 10
- Example of the Amonites
- We are still made in the image of God
- Quote from John Murray
- The fall never obliterated the image of God in man
- Paul refers to people as the 'offspring' of God
- Rom 2:14-15
- They have a basic sense of right and wring
- They have a conscience
- Quote from Nick Needham - a difference between the spiritual and moral man
- The doctrine of common grace
- God often restrains people in their sins
- Examples
- The Church is the greatest blessing
Closing Remarks
- We must take a balanced approach - not go to extremes
- Not to despise people or question people
- We must not assume that people are basically good and not take seriously what Scripture says about sin
- People need the regenerating power of God
- How are we to enjoy this world?