Depravity and the Image of God in Man
Personal example
Subject: human depravity and the image of God in man
Starting a new series: Complimentary and Paradoxical Truths
Various questions:
To what extent has the fall/sin of Adam affected the human soul?
Is there anything good left in us?
How can unbelievers do kind acts?
How can unbelievers display greater kindness?
What is our attitude towards those who do not believe?
What is common grace?
Human Depravity
Theologians talk about the doctrine of total depravity
This may conjure up the wrong image in your mind
Morally depraved
Totally sinful, totally corrupted
The fall:
The mind, will, conscience and memory are polluted
Gen 6:5 – the intents of man’s thoughts was continual evil
Eph 2:3 – Human beings follow the inclination of their heart – which is to do evil
Selfish people
Rom 7:15-16
Rom 8:7 – the will is captive
Tit 1:15 / Heb 9:14 – the conscience is seared and needs to be cleansed
Jer 17:9 – the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked
Rom 3:12 – all have turned aside to sin
Isa 64:6 – our righteousness is like filthy rags
We are in a sinful state/nature
We are naturally inclined to sin
We do not love God as we ought
The Image of God in Man
Why then does Scripture describe those that do good?
Acts 28
2 Kings 10
Example of the Amonites
We are still made in the image of God
Quote from John Murray
The fall never obliterated the image of God in man
Paul refers to people as the ‘offspring’ of God
Rom 2:14-15
They have a basic sense of right and wring
They have a conscience
Quote from Nick Needham – a difference between the spiritual and moral man
The doctrine of common grace
God often restrains people in their sins
The Church is the greatest blessing
Closing Remarks
We must take a balanced approach – not go to extremes
Not to despise people or question people
We must not assume that people are basically good and not take seriously what Scripture says about sin
People need the regenerating power of God
How are we to enjoy this world?