Old Llantrisant Hill
- Today looking at Gal 1:4-5
- Come to a passage of Jesus calming a storm, then casting out a demoniac
- Recent preaching on the same
- Time for a break - to look at Galatians
- AD 50
- Paul writes a circular letter to a number of churches in the region of Galatia
- Modern day turkey - Antioch, Lystria, Iconium, Derbe
- Paul preached the gospel to those that had never heard of Jesus Christ
- Paul appointed elders
- Shortly after Paul left, other teachers with Jewish roots came in and preached a false gospel and traditions
- Examples
- A new [false] message - 'You must have faith and follow these Old Testament laws'
- Paul was extremely concerned about this as the gospel was being distorted
- v6-8 - He was astonished that so quickly the people were turning away from the gospel
- Others wanted to pervert the gospel of Christ - twisting the truth
- Any who preaches a false message/gospel will be accursed
- Paul is addressing the core of Christianity
- v4-5: the Gospel is spelled out
- He speaks about the essential death of Jesus Christ
- He brings a delivering message
- He praises God
- Office of apostle
- Not usually spoken of by Paul
- The truth of the gospel is being undermined so he presents his credentials v1
- An apostle
- Not by man but by God
- He met the risen Christ on the road to Damascas
- God taught him - he received revelation directly from God (v11-12,17)
- Grace: Paul's desire is not to chastise the disciples but for them to share in the grace of God
- v4-5
- The heart of Christianity
- The death of Jesus Christ to deliver us
- Gal 6:14-15
- Paul is clear of the necessity of cross of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Overview:
- The Necessity of the Cross
- The Power of the Cross
- Our Response to the Cross
The Necessity of the Cross
- Questions
- Why should God surrender His only Son to the cross?
- Why should Jesus Christ freely choose to come into this world?
- Why should He be prepared to endure and suffer?
- Could God not have prevented this? - It was God's will (v4)
- Because of the condition of the human race
- Personal example of rubbish
- What about the human race?
- Are people intrinsically good?
- Is the human race really proving itself?
- Is the world now a better place to live in?
- Statistics and facts
- Left to ourselves - mankind stinks
- God made the world perfect
- Mankind turned its back on God
- How quickly man turned to evil
- Man left to himself does not get better
- There is a present evil age
- v4 - not a pretty place, but descried as evil
- God sent Jesus to deliver us from this
- Personal example
- Sin has brought a separation between God and man
- We are cut off from God
- We fail to overcome sin in our life - without God
- The present evil age
- Quote from Dr Martin Lloyd-Jones
- Eph 2:2
- We follow the ways of the world
- The present evil age is a world under the dominion of satan [though God is sovereign]
- Only God can break the power of satan
- Nothing can change the heart of man but the gospel of Jesus Christ
- James 1:14-15
- Satan without and sin within
The Power of the Cross
- The greatest news ever
- Only at the cross you find forgiveness and that the power of sin is broken
- God sent His Son
- Jesus loved sinners
- He came to take their sin and vileness to the cross
- He detested their sin yet was willing to become sin for us
- He was willing to go to calvary because of His amazing love for sinners
- God would send His Spirit
- Jesus would write God's law on our heart
- Jesus redeemed us from every evil deed
- We become His own special people
- He has saved us and called us with a Holy calling
- The Cross
- No returning to tradition
- Only Jesus
- By grace you are saved through faith in Him
- Gal 2:16
- You do not go to heaven by your good works - a terrible lie
- Col 1:13-14
- Moved from darkness
- Darkness distorts
- Examples
- Darkness and evil
- Fear
- Christ delivers us from this into the heavenly kingdom
- Gal 2:20
- I have died - I no longer live, it is Christ who lives in me
- I live by faith in Christ
- Do you believe - give your life today?
Our Response to the Cross
- Faith in Christ
- Paul's response - v5
- Glory for ever and ever
- Worship
- He is taken up with the Father and the Son
- v1,3,4
- Paul is glorifying the Father and the Son (and the Spirit)
- Giving God all the glory
- How much do we praise and glorify God?
- May we worship God