September 22, 2019

Defending the Gospel (#2)

Passage: Galatians 2:11-16
Service Type:

Bible Text: Galatians 2:11-16 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Galatians | Introduction

How did the church respond when the letter was read to them?
Paul is defending the Gospel

It is a body of truth
Not a series of easy steps
There is a simplicity to it, but it is also vast

Paul was concerned that the church was losing the simplicity of the gospel

That there were “add-ons” – examples
It is certainly not to do with circumcision

Paul tells of how he rejected circumcision and how he received the right hand of fellowship from Peter, James and John
There is one gospel

Gal 1:4
To deliver us from the present evil age
To be forgiven of sin
To be brought into the Kingdom of the Son of His love

Paul was concerned that people were turning away from the Gospel

Gal 1:6
Happening today:

‘Extra teachings’

The gospel is Jesus only


A public consultation vs a private consultation (v11-16)
There was a time when he had to enter into public confrontation with the chief leader of the church

Why a public showdown?

Why did it have to be public?
What was it all about?

The Failure of the Judeisers

They failed to understand that Jesus had perfectly fulfilled the ceremonial law – Example and Explanation

They were still want to retain parts of it – e.g. food laws and circumcision
They had not fully understood the ceremonial law was only temporary and to point towards the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
They had done away with priests but had they realised that Jesus was the high priest

They were confused

They had failed to understand that Christ had fulfilled all when He died on the cross
They had failed to understand that circumcision was of the heart

New birth – to be born again

The law was a tutor to lead people to Christ

The Failure of Peter


Had the vision (Acts 10)
He understood that the ceremonial law was over and that the Gentiles were not unclean
He was clear that the gospel was about Christ alone

Peter wanted peace within the church and between the Jew and Gentile

He was afraid of the hardline Judeisers
He took a practical approach
He thinks he is keeping the peace
He is actually causing division

Paul recognises he is actually causing barriers
Peter is causing hurt in the heart of the Gentiles
Peter is a hypocrite
Some are feeling compelled to follow the old ways

Paul withstands him to his face

Peter does not deny the gospel

The Judeisers deny the gospel
If people speak about contributors to Jesus Christ – they deny the gospel
We must not add any further requirement beyond Jesus Christ

Acts 11 – purification by faith

Do we set any additional criteria for fellowship?
If we do, we are in the position of Peter

We must not deny fellowship over secondary issues

The Remedy

Head on conflict

Matt 18 – Go to your brother privately
2:11,14 – Public confrontation with Paul

Peter’s sin is public, therefore his rebuke must be public

1 Tim 5:20
All are servants of Christ
Speaking with a heart of love but very strong

How would we respond to something like this today?

Are we more concerned with reputation or backlash?
Are we more concerned with truth?

Paul is clear on the truth

Gal 2:16
He is very emphatic
Have we understood there is nothing we can do to get right with God?
For Paul – the gospel was a stake

How can a Holy God acquit guilty sinners?

The Gospel – God found a way

Closing Remarks