Old Llantrisant Hill
- How did the church respond when the letter was read to them?
- Paul is defending the Gospel
- It is a body of truth
- Not a series of easy steps
- There is a simplicity to it, but it is also vast
- Paul was concerned that the church was losing the simplicity of the gospel
- That there were "add-ons" - examples
- It is certainly not to do with circumcision
- Paul tells of how he rejected circumcision and how he received the right hand of fellowship from Peter, James and John
- There is one gospel
- Gal 1:4
- To deliver us from the present evil age
- To be forgiven of sin
- To be brought into the Kingdom of the Son of His love
- Paul was concerned that people were turning away from the Gospel
- Gal 1:6
- Happening today:
- 'Extra teachings'
- Christ-plus
- The gospel is Jesus only
- 2:11-16
- A public consultation vs a private consultation (v11-16)
- There was a time when he had to enter into public confrontation with the chief leader of the church
- Why did it have to be public?
- What was it all about?
The Failure of the Judeisers
- They failed to understand that Jesus had perfectly fulfilled the ceremonial law - Example and Explanation
- They were still want to retain parts of it - e.g. food laws and circumcision
- They had not fully understood the ceremonial law was only temporary and to point towards the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
- They had done away with priests but had they realised that Jesus was the high priest
- They were confused
- They had failed to understand that Christ had fulfilled all when He died on the cross
- They had failed to understand that circumcision was of the heart
- New birth - to be born again
- The law was a tutor to lead people to Christ
The Failure of Peter
- Peter
- Had the vision (Acts 10)
- He understood that the ceremonial law was over and that the Gentiles were not unclean
- He was clear that the gospel was about Christ alone
- Peter wanted peace within the church and between the Jew and Gentile
- He was afraid of the hardline Judeisers
- He took a practical approach
- He thinks he is keeping the peace
- He is actually causing division
- Paul recognises he is actually causing barriers
- Peter is causing hurt in the heart of the Gentiles
- Peter is a hypocrite
- Some are feeling compelled to follow the old ways
- Paul withstands him to his face
- Peter does not deny the gospel
- The Judeisers deny the gospel
- If people speak about contributors to Jesus Christ - they deny the gospel
- We must not add any further requirement beyond Jesus Christ
- Acts 11 - purification by faith
- Do we set any additional criteria for fellowship?
- If we do, we are in the position of Peter
- We must not deny fellowship over secondary issues
The Remedy
- Head on conflict
- Matt 18 - Go to your brother privately
- 2:11,14 - Public confrontation with Paul
- Peter's sin is public, therefore his rebuke must be public
- 1 Tim 5:20
- All are servants of Christ
- Speaking with a heart of love but very strong
- How would we respond to something like this today?
- Are we more concerned with reputation or backlash?
- Are we more concerned with truth?
- Paul is clear on the truth
- Gal 2:16
- He is very emphatic
- Have we understood there is nothing we can do to get right with God?
- For Paul - the gospel was a stake
- How can a Holy God acquit guilty sinners?
- The Gospel - God found a way
- Explanation
Closing Remarks