July 28, 2024

David and Mephibosheth – an example of God’s grace

Passage: 2 Samuel 9
Service Type:

This passage is full of God’s grace

It is not down how faithful we are – but how faithful God has been

David is now King

He asks if there was anyone left of the house of Saul …

Not to liquidate them – example
Not to kill the family from whom the crown was taken

… to whom I can show kindness / mercy / love (v1)

This word sums up God’s love – a faithful, undeserved, merciful, kind love
David wishes to show God’s love (for Jonathan’s sake)

David had made a covenant with Jonathan

Jonathan was not God’s next choice of king after Saul
Jonathan understood this
1 Sam 18:1-4
1 Sam 20:3-4, 8-9, 14-17

David shows grace to Jonathan’s descendant (Mephibosheth)

Duration of covenant does not matter – it remains true and binding as the day it was made
David is showing the grace of God

God made a covenant with Jesus – to give Him a people/Church

Jesus kept His people
Example of King’s walkway with arches
God’s promises are way stronger
It is not down to our faith, goodness or worth – it is down to God’s covenant faithfulness

Covenant provision:

v5-7 … for Jonathan’s (your father’s) sake

Not due to himself but the covenant with his father
This takes away fear

David will restore the lost lands (v9)

This brings peace and restoration

David will have Mephibosheth eat at his table (v10b)

This brings adoption into the family
This brings total provision for the rest of his life

This is a pale reflection of Jesus’ love

God has promised His Son that He will bless believers
There is no condemnation for those that love Jesus
There is forgiveness in Jesus – the price is paid, Hallelujah!


There is restoration of all that was lost – fellowship with God


A perfect heaven where God will dwell with us


A covenant people

v8 – Mephibosheth sees himself as a dead dog

Example of the Syrophoeneician woman

God’s blessings are so gracious and undeserved

Because of His promise to Jesus before the creation of the world

Mephibosheth was not liquidated but blessed!
Jump with joy at God’s covenant with us
Song from Casting Crown