July 28, 2024

David and Goliath – God does not look at things the way we do

Passage: 1 Samuel 17
Service Type:


Do we think with our eyes?

Key verse – God does not look at the way we look at things
God looks with His heart

Goliath is a huge (9ft 6in), wicked man

He has lived his life in defiance of God
He hates God’s people
He is a terrifying sight
Even the champion of the Israelites (Saul) could not defeat Goliath

Reading 1 Sam 17:1-39

… With additional comments and explanation
Obstacles and barriers to God’s people can look very scary

Example of obstacles and barriers in today’s world
If you look with your eyes – you are terrified and dismayed (v11)
If we look at our own heart, with our eyes – we are still terrified and dismayed (because of our sin)
The Israelite army do not do anything

Goliath defies Israel and God

There is a spiritual war between God and the devil, believers and the world
This has been going on since the Garden of Eden
Goliath typifies satan and those who defy God

David – the opposite of Goliath comes on the scene

Not ‘strong and tough’ enough to be in Israel’s army
Example of (ancient) shepherding [yet God had chosen him as king]
He is looking not at Goliath but the living God (v26)

David’s brother – put David in his place

However, David will not be put off by his brothers or Goliath
He is looking at things from God’s standpoint

Saul – looks with this eyes

David fought lions and bears – because he did not look with his eyes
He allowed David to fight Goliath
He dressed David in his armour – but he could not wear this

David fought Goliath with what God had given him

He goes out with a sling
Example of song

Goliath perceives David as an insult

He curses David

David sees with his eyes and the ‘eyes of faith’

He knows that God will strike him down
He strikes him down with a pebble


We are not a David, we are a Saul
We look at things the wrong way
David is a type of Christ

He was nothing special to look at
Even His own family did not [initially] believe
He is despised by the world

Christ goes out to fight our battles for us

He uses satan’s own weapons against him
He goes to the cross to defeat, sin, satan, death and hell
He triumphed over satan at the cross

Jesus knows our weakness and failings

He still loves us
He fought and won for us [at the cross]
He holds us in His hand – we are safe in Jesus and God’s hands

Have you put your life in Jesus’ hands?

Only Jesus can make you a Christian
You must give yourself to Jesus
Worship Christ

Look not with your eyes but God’s heart/eyes

Keep your eyes on Jesus
Goliath’s can turn into David – Personal example