Dangers Facing Disciples
Considering this familiar parable
One thing I have learned – the Bible is very honest
It deals with men and women as they are
The Bible is like a sword – living and powerful
It wounds/cuts and heals
We must pay attention to what it says
This passage can be difficult
Dangers facing disciples
The previous passage – the refusal of the rich young ruler to follow Jesus
The disciples wonder who can be saved if not this man?
Matt 19:26 – "with God all things are possible"
Peter says they have given up a lot
Thus follows the parable of the vineyard workers
No one who follows Jesus will ever lose out
Matt 19:30 – "many who are first will be last and the last first"
Expanded on in this parable
Critical teaching for all disciples
The vineyard workers are Christians – we should all work for Christ
Out biggest problem can be our attitude to other Christians
Some commentators view this as the contempt of Jewish converts to Gentiles, others older Christians to younger Christians
It reveals a weakness in Christians – a danger of comparing ourselves to others
Peter does this in Matt 19:27 and John 21:19-22
2 Cor 10:12
We must avoid the attitude ‘it is not fair’
We can compare ourselves to others – leading to forgetfulness
The danger and snare of forgetfulness
Deut 8:11-14a
Forgetful of God and His grace
Forgetful of God’s sovereignty
Forgetful of God’s mercies received
Forgetful of fellowship and love
Forgetful of praise
Forgetful of God and His grace
The landowner wanted people to serve
v1-2 a contract with the first workers
The remainder – ‘what is right’
The first workers were discontented in the extreme when the wages came
Are we forgetful of God’s grace and mercy – this leads to discontent
We are all debtors to His grace and mercy
Do not think ‘why them and not us?’
Example of Luke 17:7-10
Who are we to insist on our ‘rights’
Forgetful of God’s sovereignty
The owner owned the vineyard – not the workers
He had every right to do with it as he pleased – examples
God is free to do what He wills – He is Sovereign
Isa 42:8
Do not be there for ego
The Potter has rights over the clay
It is a privilege to be included in God’s ministry
1 Cor 3:5-8
We do not own His Church
Forgetful of God’s mercies received
The first workers were very much aware of what they had done
They were forgetful of the kindness of the vineyard owner
They became resentful of those workers more blessed than they
Example of being ‘in the minutes’
Are we forgetful of God’s mercies to us
We cannot strike bargains with God
To be a worker for God is a great privilege
Forgetful of fellowship and love
Us vs. them
Older Christians can expect all sorts of things from new converts
A challenging verse – Rom 12:15
Difficult to rejoice with those who are more blessed than you?
Personal example
Another example
Self-occupation injures fellowship and love
Forgetful of praise
Perhaps the most subtle and worse thing of all – they forgot the owner
Moaning and complaining
The Lord Jesus Christ did not look to Himself – Phil 2:6-7
If God makes other Christians more fruitful – we should be thankful and praise God
‘Not I but Christ’
There is such a privilege in serving so great a Master!