July 21, 2024

Counting the Cost

Passage: John 15:18-16:4
Service Type:


Last week we were looking at joy
Now we have the word ‘hatred’

This passage reminds us that as Christian we need to ‘count the cost’
Matt 16:24-25
Examples of denial/surrender to Jesus Christ

The passage is about taking up your cross / counting the cost

Jesus tells the disciples the people will hate
That at times the persecution will be intense, cast out of the synagogue (16:2), put into prison
Religious persecution / State persecution

John 15:17 – love

To serve others
To build up one another
To work together
To love one another

Encouragements (in chapter 15)

To bear much fruit
That Jesus’ joy would be in us
That Jesus’ joy would be full

Counting the cost – should not make us fearful and cowed
There can be rejoicing even at very difficult times
Example of Paul and Silas in jail

These words are serious but they should never take away our joy

There will be no blessing without bufferrings
No triumphs without trials
No fruit without pruning

No empty tomb without the cross – we are called to take up His cross and share in His sufferings
Looking at ‘Counting the Cost’

Our Identification with Jesus (v18)

It is possible to avoid persecution by being quiet, fitting in with the world, not confessing Jesus Christ

Example of Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea
This can be our tendnancy

We are to live quiet lives, not be trouble makers, not to stir things up, to be winsome, loving, kind … but …

We are also to stand upon the word of God, to confess Jesus Christ
A warning – Matt 10:32-33

Are you prepared to identify with Jesus Christ?

Are you prepared to speak (specifically) of Jesus?
Are you prepared to stand for Jesus?

v18 – do not take things personally

It one sense – it is normal Christianity – because they hate Christ

Remember we have the Holy Spirit – v26

The Spirit of Truth testifying through preaching (Acts 2)
We are not alone even if we feel alone
The Holy Spirit will give us the words to speak

Many can testify of this

Why is there hatred for Jesus?

The common people heard Him gladly
Many received the word of God with joy
But when the word began to cut, challenge, convict and speak of cost – hearts turned rebellious

Example of Gentile works

In the heart of man – there is often a simmering hatred for God
Vehement opposition by the religious leaders

Because He opposed their traditions
Because He exposed their darkness and deceitfulness
Because they envied Him
Because of their pride
Because Jesus made Himself equal with God

Jesus only ever spoke the truth – there was no cause for hatred

v25 – yet the people hated Jesus without a cause

Today – mankind still loves darkness

Though we may know favour for a time (examples) …
… When speaking of sin, speaking against ideology – we will face opposition
The human heart is opposed to God, Jesus and the Word

Are we prepared to identify with Jesus?

Our Relationship with the World (v19)

Our temptation is to fit in

Example of Church of England

v19 – we are not of the world, chosen out of the world

Example of all that is happening in the world
We are called out of this
Eph 2:2 – children of light and not of darkness
There is a clear demarcation between the children of God and the children of devil
2 Cor 6:14

When the Church is holy and following God – then we will make an impact

Not to be quiet, not to make no impact
To speak the word of God in power

Are we effective as Christians?

If not, perhaps we have become worldly

Our Understanding of the Christian Life (v27)

v27 – we are sent into the world to be witnesses

We are not greater than Jesus – v20 (we will face persecution)
Are we witnesses for Jesus Christ?
We are to follow Jesus’ example

v21 – we are here for His names sake

Are we bringing glory to God, honouring Him, pleasing Him?
We suffer from His names sake only – not for other reasons (examples)

v25 – the fulfilment of Scripture

Suffering is part of God’s plan – it is not outside His sovereignty

He will give us grace

There may be no cause for the persecution (as with Jesus Christ) – but good can come
Jesus was forewarning His disciples
Persecution could be intermittent or continuous – examples
Persecution from religious leaders – examples

John 16:1-2

Persecution on today’s world

We must be witnesses and be prepared to count the cost (16:3-4)

Closing Remarks

2 Tim 3:12
Are we living Godly in Christ Jesus?
Whose side are you on?
Who do you fear most – man or God?

Do not fear man, fear God

Hold fast to your confession of faith – be a good witness of Jesus Christ