September 8, 2024

Conviction – what the world needs

Passage: John 16:5-11; Acts 2:32-39
Service Type:


What does the world need more than anything else?

A sense of sin – to be convicted
Otherwise sinners will never turn to God

What is this conviction?

Not to do our best – this is never enough
All have sinned – Romans 3:23
People will one day have to give an account

People need to know that God’s mercy is greater than our sin
The Church seeks to influence the world

Be zealous for good works – examples
Godly witness

As people we are powerless to influence others

These verses are a great encouragement
It is God the Holy Spirit who brings conviction
Reading John 16:8-11

The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost – Acts 2

They were called to believe in Christ, to repent of their sins, to be baptised
Then they would receive the Holy Spirit
Whole families and communities were coming to faith throughout Acts
There are many who today trust in Christ


Convicting the world of Sin
Convicting the world of Righteousness
Convicting the world of Judgment

Convicting the world of Sin

Human nature does not believe and embrace the Gospel

The worst sin of all is not to believe – to turn your back on God
The Holy Spirit has come to convict people of sin and turn back to God

Wales is a secular society

Yet the Holy Spirit is able to come in great power
He has done it before in times of revival

What is conviction of sin?

People say that guilt is bad

False guilt is wrong
True guilt is correct – examples
We do not want a seared conscience

People will not turn to Jesus unless they know they are sinners


Principally sinning against God – not against God

You must give an account
The wages of sin is death

The church must preach the law of God, live Godly lives and pray for the preaching of the gospel
What about you?

Are you in unbelief and condemned?
Believe on the loving Lord Jesus Christ who came to rescue, heal, and forgive you

Convicting the world of Righteousness

The world has a wrong view of righteousness

Not about a set of ethics, being moral or living to a code

Jesus exposed false forms of righteousness – that is really pride

People’s righteousness must be more than the pharisees
Man cannot attain to this righteousness
The righteousness that exceeds – is that of Jesus Christ

Jesus exposed anger without a cause – as people being in danger of the judgment
Jesus exposed lustful thoughts – as sin
Jesus taught the parable of the pharisee and the tax collector

Our idea of righteousness is false

We need Jesus’ righteousness
Quote from song – Rock of Ages

Jesus was the only righteousness Man

Spoken of in the Psalms
The Holy one of God
Whose body did not see corruption (Acts 2:31)

Our righteousness is like filthy rags – are you persuaded that Christ is the only righteousness one

"For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor 5:21
A transaction – our sins taken by Christ and His righteousness given to us
To those who trust in Him

In His righteousness, Jesus was returning to His Father

Convicting the world of Judgment

The ruler of the world is the devil – he is judged

If he is judged, all his subjects will be judged too
All mankind must be ready for the judgment of God

In the Garden of Eden it was prophesied that Jesus would crush satan

The seed of the woman to crush the serpent’s head
Jesus dwelt satan a fatal blow on the cross
Jesus judged the devil at the cross

For all mankind – to die and then the judgment

We must be written in the Lamb’s book of life
God has appointed a day for this judgment
Those who do not know Jesus will be told to depart from Him

Do you know Jesus Christ?

He came to pay for all our sin – at the cross
All who believe in Him are fully forgiven, cleansed of their sin and given the righteousness of Christ
All who refuse – these will be condemned forever

Trust in Jesus Christ