Communion in Corinth
Previously looked at the earlier verses
First half chapter 11 – head coverings (a cultural issue but important principles)
Looked at the first half of chapter 12 concerning Spiritual gifts
Both passages are quite controversial or polemic
Now looking at v17-34
This is very plain and clear
Nothing controversial or polemic
Very serious words
Paul is addressing those fragrantly abusing the Lord’s Supper
Some were drunk, others gorged themselves
Overview – like a sandwich:
First slice of stale bread (v17-22)
Second slice of stale bread (v27-34)
The tasty filling (v23-26)
First slice of stale bread (v17-22)
They have not come together for benefit …
… they have come together to the detriment, they are divided
The Lord’s Supper – alternative names, Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, Breaking the Bread, Communion
It is a time of fellowship / communion around the table of the Lord
Yet they are divided (v18)
Mid Week – studying Malachi
Malachi charged the people with similar sins
The people offered tainted sacrifice
God calls the worship evil
We are to examine ourselves so we do not partake in an unworthy way (v28)
Unresolved anger
Non forgiveness
The Church in Corinth were full of strife – chapter 3
Purely mechanical
Coming with a miserly spirit
Factions in the Church (v19)
It is better to suspend temporarily communion to put things right
The love feast
When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper it followed the Passover
The Church in Corinth had people that either gorged or had very little, perhaps there was no sharing
There was no concern or love for each other
In factions – the mature Christians are “approved” and stand out (v19)
They do not come together to eat the Lord’s supper (v20)
They despised the Church of God (v22)
Thankfully not every Church was like this – just the Church in Corinth
We do not always need to read v17-22 but certainly the institution (v23-26)
Second slice of stale bread (v27-34)
When you come, you remember Christ’s sacrifice (v27)
If you eat in an unworthy manner (as above) – you are guilty of the body and blood of Christ
You are disrespecting the sacrifice of Christ
Examine yourself (v28)
Do not bring judgment on yourself (v29)
Because you have not considered the church is one body
Because you are not considering Christ
Sickness in judgment (v30-32)
Not a final judgment
Rather the chastening and the discipline of the Lord
If we self-judge/examine, we would not be judged
We are to wait for one another (v33)
The tasty filling (v23-26)
Instructions on how to conduct ourselves
Not to wear special robes, have bells or any other ceremony
A simple taking of bread and wine
It was a time of thanksgiving (v24)
That the disciples salvation had been secured
It was a time of remembrance (v24, 25)
We remember who it was that died on the cross
His person
His amazing love for sinners like us
This ordinance helps us focus on Christ and remember Him
He was a real man with a natural death
He was the Son of God and so it was an unnatural death – that the sinless one should die
It was a pre-natural death – Jesus was a Lamb slain before the foundation of the world
It was a supernatural death
Crying out to God in significant pain
He held up His head
He knew the Scripture had to be fulfilled
The rocks split open, the dead were raised and the temple curtain was torn in two
Remember the seven sayings of the cross
He never lost the sense of His Father
He prays for our forgiveness
He forgives the thief on the cross and promises him paradise
His treatment of His mother
His separation from the Father
His triumphal words
A triumphant service (v26)
Which we do until He comes