Old Llantrisant Hill
- One final message from Genesis 45 – but focusing on Jesus
- Seeing Joseph as a type of Christ
- A reminder of the guilt of the brothers
- Past events still haunt them
- Has this happened to you?
- That you feel guilty and ashamed?
- We can thank God that in Christ our past has been dealt with / we are totally forgiven
- If not a Christian, these thoughts should cause us to seek God
- Joseph in his rough treatment/testing was reminding the brothers of the past
- They felt it was a punishment from God
- God was softening their hears
- God was causing them to repent
- They were humbled
- Leading to a wonderful reconciliation
- Gen 44:16
- God had found out their inquity
- They previously ignored Reuben’s pleas
- Joseph was the initiator and would show the brothers love and forgiveness
- Joseph the reconciler
- Jesus the Reconciler
- If you have a wrong view of God you will tremble and draw back
- If you see God in Jesus Christ, you will draw near and come boldly to a throne of grace
- Joseph is willing to suffer
- Gen 45:1 – he sobbed and wept
- He could not help but show his emotions
- Tears of compassion
- He wants them to be restored as a family
- Heb 4:15
- Jesus pities us
- He was moved with compassion for the crowds – people like sheep without a shepherd
- He wept for Lazarus
- He longed to gather up the people of Jerusalem like a mother hen her chicks
- He died for us when we were enemies
- Now we are friends
- He is our Elder Brother
- He understands our situations – examples
- He bids us come
A Call to Come Near
- Gen 45:4
- Initially the brothers were very frightened
- Reminds us of Heb 4 & 10
- We are to draw near
- We are to come boldly to a throne of grace
- "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus"
- He provides mercy and grace
- He provides help in our time of need
- Joseph’s brothers drew near
- "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you"
- There is none [in Christ] who cannot draw near
- Do we present excuses?
- We can draw near and be blessed
Assurance of Forgiveness
- Gen 45:5
- The brothers are not to be grieved or angry
- Now is a time of reconcilation
- An assurance of forgiveness
- The new covenant
- Not about offering endless sacrifices
- A ‘once and for all’ sacrifice for sin
- Those who trust in Jesus are perfected forever (Heb 10:14)
- A promise of a covenant on our hearts (Heb 10:16-18)
- Our sins are dealt with and remembered no more
- Heb 10:22
- Our whole body and soul is accepted before Christ
- All is forgiven
Fellowship with us
- Gen 37:4
- The brothers originally hated Joseph
- Yet he wept over his brothers (Gen 45:1) and they freely talked to him
- Fellowship had been restored
- As believers there is fellowship with God
- Through prayer and His word
- Through Jesus Christ
- Rev – Jesus knocks on the door of our heart
Provides for us
- Joseph provided for his brothers
- The best land and livestock
- Jesus has promised to bless us with every spiritual blessing
- Gen 45:18, 20
- Pharaoh gives the family the best of the land
- God spoke to Jacob to calm his heart (Gen 46:3)
- God is very kind to us
- Personal example
- Gen 48:15 – Jacob acknowledges God’s blessings
- The devil still attacks
- Gen 50:19-21
- Consider Jesus’ testing in the wilderness
- Joseph comforts his brothers
Closing Remarks