Old Llantrisant Hill
- Example from the Hymn: "How sweet the name"
- Acts 3: a time of spiritual harvest
- Peter called the Gentiles to turn away from their iniquities
- 4:4 - about 5'000 men were converted
- Example of Stuart Dainty
- There are times of great harvest in the history of the Church
- We are living in days of difficulty - with few conversions
- Some churches during certain periods know great blessings
- Generally we are seeing little fruit
- We must remind ourselves that God is blessing in many others parts of the world
- Example of UK vs Brazil
- God is at work
- We remind ourselves we are never to despise the day of small things
- We remind ourselves that after times of sowing comes times of reaping
- Looking at how the blessing of God had come - the means that God used
Blessings come when God's people walk in the Spirit
- Two men - Peter & John
- Walking in the Spirit
- Initially blessed one man before blessing many others
- They must have preached a lot
- Peter - spontaneous, impetuous, denied Jesus, but chosen by God to lead the church
- John - the son of thunder, now the disciple of love
- Friends
- Preaching in the temple
- Going up to prayer at 3pm
- Keeping the Jewish customs
- Not only where they preachers, they were prayers
- Encounter a beggar at the Beautiful gate
- They were not so focused on the prayer meeting that they forgot everything around them
- They were aware of other people's needs
- Those who honour God and walk in the Spirit - have time for people
- We can be more work orientated than people orientated
- Example of Jesus and Jairus & the bleeding woman, the woman at the well, Nicodemus
- We must be mindful of distractions
- Their actions
- They have no money
- They perform a miracle
- How can Peter heal the beggar?
- Did he believe Jesus' words of the power of prayer?
- Did he see the man's faith to be healed?
- Was he constrained by the Holy Spirit?
- Peter is asking in faith (v6)
- The healing is a creation miracle - explanation
- Spurgeon - Peter helped him in his weakness in faith
- How do we apply this?
- There are people struggling around us
- We need to be in the Spirit and know how to help
- We can pray and give encouragement
- We may be able to help those in debt
- We need to point people to the Lord Jesus
- Blessings come when God's people walk in the Spirit
Blessings come from the name of Jesus
- v16
- Faith in the name of Christ
- Who had faith: Peter & John, the lame man?
- Without faith it is impossible to please God
- We must not diminish the importance of faith
- Christ could do no miracles where there was unbelief and doubt
- The object of faith matters - we must exercise faith
- May we be people of faith
Blessings come through God given opportunities
- Peter & John could never have planned this
- This lame man is filled with joy - he is leaping and shouting for joy
- The people around cannot doubt this miracle
- Because of his healing a great crowd gathers (v11)
- One act can be a doorway to others - a chain of events
- We must pray Lord open doors
- We also need to be in the way of blessing and be obedient to God
Blessings come through the preaching of Jesus Christ
- Above all - the blessing came through the preaching of Jesus Christ
- Peter does not focus on the miracle
- He explains it - but his whole focus is on the person of Christ
- His preaching:
- Their guilt
- The work of the cross
- Call to repentance
- Calling for an immediate response
- Peter deflected attention away from himself - he pointed to Jesus
- Bold preaching
- He preached boldly before the Sanhedrin
- So boldly that he is put in prison
- Peter spoke true facts
- God honoured Peter's bold preaching
- Conviction comes to this people
- Promises in preaching
- Blessing in Jesus Christ
- The forgiveness of sin
- A call to turn away from sin and iniquity
- Many believe when Peter preaches
Concluding Remarks
- We must take courage that what God has done in the past, He is able to do today
- Maybe we need to look at ourselves
- We know there are times of judgment and blessing
- Blessings come in times of real repentance