Being Safe in God
- A wonderful Psalm, very positive
- A man who loved God fell into adultery, another denied The Lord, another doubted that Jesus has been risen from the dead, a missionary got cold feet, two great men had a dispute
- What does verse 3 mean?
- All of the above slipped, doubted, were moved
- Does it mean that God will protect His people from physical danger?
- Not a blanket promise for this
- God does not promise automatic protection for His people
- v7 - God says He will preserve our soul, our spiritual wellbeing
- Is it saying that God will not allow those who are His to fall away from salvation?
- This is a central truth of this Psalm
- If we are saved we will always be saved
- Could it be that this Psalm is speaking of the Messiah
- That His foot would not slip, that He would not sin
- The emphasis of this Psalm
- God will keep His people (v3, 4, 5, 7, 8)
- God will preserve His people
- God will lead you to heaven
- Sometimes we wonder if we will make it to the heavenly city
- We are full of doubts and worries
- If God has saved us He will keep us to the end
- This Psalm was sung on the way to the great feasts
- There were 3 great feasts each year
- Perhaps this was a young man going up to feast
- He was worried, where would he look for help
- The answer comes to him in v3-8
- There is a change in tense [from 'I' to 'you'
- There is a progression from fear to trust
He will help you (v1-2)
- 15 Psalms of Ascents (pilgrim songs on the way to Jerusalem) from Psalm 120 - 134
- People have fears
- Exams
- Leaving home
- Making friends
- Being accepted
- Dying
- Not having enough in life
- Of losing our faith
- Where does our help come from when we have these fears - The Lord who made heaven and earth
- Perhaps the hills represented:
- Difficulty: hilly terrain to transverse
- Idols: see Jeremiah
- The greatness and grandeur of God's creation: deliberate will to look up to the hills, I am looking to the Lord
- He will help us as He is a mighty and powerful God who made the heaven and the earth
He will hold you (v3-4)
- Have you walked with a child and held onto them so they won't fall
- Have you ever held onto to someone when climbing down a slope
- God has a firm hold upon us
- Even though Simon Peter denied The Lord, He still had a hold on Him
- He prayed for Him
- He drew him back to Himself
- Psalm 73:1-4
- His faith almost faltered as he saw the wicked around him prospering
- These people would be judged by God and go to hell
- God will right every wrong
- Ps 66:9
- God watches over every single child
- 24 hours a day
- God never sleeps
- God is working to preserve you
- Isa 40:28-29
- God neither faints nor is weary
- He increases the strength of the weak
- He will hold us because He is an active God
He will protect you (v5-6)
- This pilgrim would have been fearful of attack
- Maybe fearful of the intensity of the sun
- Maybe fearful of the cold weather at night
- This is an Old Testament picture of a spiritual reality
- We face strong temptations and trials
- We come under spiritual attack in all sorts of ways
- The Cambodian Church faced it's worse time in 1975
- The church was growing vastly, almost 4000 and 100 being saved weekly
- The Khmer Rouge slaughtered 3 million people
- 90% of the church was wiped out
- Some of the church survived
- God did protect some of His people in amazing ways but others were taken to glory
- We hear of similar stories in the Bible
- He will protect His people in that He will not try them beyond what they are able to bear
He will preserve you (v7-8)
- Was Job preserved from evil?
- He lost of all his children
- He lost of all his possessions
- He lost his health
- He wife urged him to curse God
- He never lost his faith or salvation
- God carries His people when they have no strength to carry on
- Our God is a Good Shepherd and tends to each member of the flock
- "The Lord will deliver me from every evil work" - the Apostle Paul
- He was not saved from shipwreck or prison
- He was saved from the evil works against him
- The Prayer of Jesus for His disciples
- Do not take them out of the world but preserve them
- Jesus prays for His disciples, this is encouraging
- Let your loving kindness and tender mercies preserve me
God is a God of wrath but we must never forget his love and mercy