Are you trusting in Jesus?
Bible Text: Luke 7:18-35 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction
Dealing with doubt (and the believers doubt)
Reading a book – My Sunflower girl
Can we imagine what it is to lose a child?
Let us consider John the Baptist
He was in a terrible time of darkness
He was in prison
He began to have doubts about Jesus
The passage this morning deals with doubt
Christians all go through doubt at some point
Are you trusting in Jesus as your Saviour?
This passage is not about rank unbelief
Someone who is struggling
Struggling with Doubt
John the Baptist
Consider all that he had seen and understood
He was prepared to stand up for truth despite the cost
He was a courageous preacher
He knew God in an intimate way
Yet now he is in prison
He had unrealised expectations
Certain things were not coming to pass
He cannot understand why the wicked prospered?
Why has he not been delivered?
Why had judgment not fallen on his enemies?
Proverbs: “Hope deferred makes the heart sick”
This can cast into a dark place
Often because our hopes and expectations were not God’s plans or God’s timings
John had not understood this was the time of love and not judgment
The godly can be plagued by doubts – examples:
John Bunion
Book – Grace bounding
Book – My Sunflower girl
The Book of Job
Read about Elijah
Doubt arises in John (v18-19)
He had heard reports of healings and miracles – this wasn’t enough for him
He called his disciples to ask Jesus
Some speculate that he was doubting but sending the two disciples for their benefit
John was concerned that their faith was strengthens
v22-23 show that Jesus was talking about John – John had doubts
John was going through deep doubt
What about us?
The devil hates Christians, he is a roaring like seeking those who he will devour
When you are on your own/isolated
He will question God and His word
He did the right thing – he went to Jesus
When we are in a dark time, the most important thing is that we go to Jesus
Overcoming Doubt
“Are you the coming one?” – How does Jesus respond?
He does not speak but act
He cured many infirmities, afflictions and evil spirits
Sometimes actions speak louder than words
John’s disciples would have seen these miracles
Can we imagine the impression this would have made upon them?
Only God can do these miracles
In one sense being given a glimpse of glory
Then Jesus speaks
Go and tell the things you have seen and heard
John was have read and know Isaiah
Isa 35:5, 61:1
A gentle rebuke or a word of encouragement?
Jesus knows he will overcome this stumbling block
His eyes must be pointed to Jesus
He needs to hear the word of God
We should not stay away from Christian fellowship
We may just need to spend time with people
We need to say things with love
Affirming Real Faith
Jesus affirms John’s faith
What would the multitudes think of John the Baptist doubting?
Jesus speaks up for John
There is not one born of woman greater than he
Jesus states he is a man of conviction and great faith
v24b – he was not shaken by man
v25 – he was not a man of luxury
v26 – he was/is more than a prophet
There is none greater that John the Baptist
He had a greater revelation of Jesus Christ
Those who are now in the kingdom will be given a fuller revelation
He was a very humble man
Jesus is confirming His true servant
v29 – the tax collectors and sinners glorified God
v30 – the pharisees and the lawyers rejected Jesus
Rank unbelief
They just criticised and made false allegations
This happens today – people reject the gospel of Jesus Christ
Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God