Are you investing for eternity?
Quote from CT Studd
He felt a burden upon his heart to reach others for Jesus Christ
“What is fame and riches when a man comes face-to-face with eternity?”
He and six others gave up their life to serve the Lord
He invested his inheritance in the gospel
He was investing for eternity
Today we are considering the parable of the shrewd steward
To be commended for his shrewdness – not his dishonesty
As Christians we need to be investing in that which will last forever
v8-9 – non-Christians are good at investing in their future
How much are we as Christians investing in our heavenly future?
The message in Luke 16 is primarily for Christians
v1 – speaking to His disciples
cf 15:1-2 – Jesus was speaking to the scribes and the pharisees in 3 parables
He says that one day we will need to give an account of our lives
Although we are saved for all eternity we must still give account of our lives and work
v13 – we can either be mastered by money or masters of it
You need an open hand with your giving
v14 – the Pharisees were also listening and didn’t like the message as they were loves of money
The Bible speaks about money
We are to give money freely
We should teach what the Bible says about money
Overview (v1-8)
The rich man entrusted his ‘manager’ to run his affairs
v1 – he had wasted his master’s good
There is a lot of waste in today’s society
There are different reasons for waste
v2 – he was to be sacked
He realised that he had time to sort things
He is an ‘office worker’, he cannot do manual labour, he will not beg
He found another way:
He writes off 50% of the oil owed – 1.5 years of wages
He writes off 20% of the wheat owed – 8-10 years of wages
v4 -He knew that these people were know endebted to him
The steward had been dishonest and was wasting the good and wealth of his master
He is commended for his astuteness
Application (v8b-13)
How do we apply this?
He secured his own future by being smart
v8b – We must learn a lesson about investing in the future
Are we living in the light of eternity?
Are we sitting back, living for the things of this world, being comfortable and not investing in eternity?
We are not to follow the pattern of this world but we are to be sacrificial and serve God with all our hearts
v9 – initially confusing but Jesus says that we must make the best use of money in this fallen world
Invest your time and talents in the Lord and the work
Quote from John Wesley
Luke 6:30 – give to those really in need and don’t expect anything back
Luke 6:24 – woe to those live solely for riches
Luke 6:38 – as you give, you will be blessed
God’s work has never lacked resources
Luke 12:20 – don’t lay up treasures on the earth but in heaven
Luke 12:31 – seek the kingdom of God
v10 – be faithful in what little you have and you will be faithful when you have more
How can God entrust you with more if you are not faithful with little
v12 – all that we have is not ours
Example of Bargain Hunt
All that we have is Gods
We are to be joyful in what God has entrusted to us
v13 – we cannot serve God and money
Money has a great power over people’s lives – examples
Money begins to control people’s lives and thoughts
Have open hands
We need to understand the amazing love of God for us – explanation
Then we will have an open hand
We need to understand what Jesus gave up (for us) – explanation
Then we will give our life and all to Him
Quote from CT Studd
Closing Remarks