Abel, Enoch and Noah
Apologies for some clipping on the audio at various points during the sermon
- In the Bible the word faith is used in different ways/senses
- Faith once delivered to the saints - the body of truth
- Faith to remove mountains - miraculous faith 1 Cor 13
- Faith of the pharisees - a religious faith (not a transforming/saving faith)
- Temporary faith
- God given saving faith: permanent, genuine, relies on the word of God and the person of Jesus Christ
- Heb 11 is all about faith
- By faith ... [name after name]
- These were all believing in the promises of God
- This morning considering Abel, Enoch and Noah
- Abel had justifying faith
- Enoch had rewarded faith
- Noah had active/obedient faith
Abel had Justifying Faith (v4)
- Why is Adam's name not first in the list?
- His sin was covered
- Adam and Eve had seen God and believed
- Abel was the first person who had not seen God yet believed
- Perhaps this is why Abel is listed here
- Details about Cain and Abel
- Their birth and names
- Cain was a farmer: working the field
- Abel kept animals
- They both came before God in worship
- Abel offered a lamb
- Cain brought some of the first fruits
- God accept Abel's offering but did not accept Cain's
- There are times when grain offerings were acceptable
- There are times when a sacrifice of blood (animal sacrifice) was needed
- The offerings in and of themselves don't tell why one offering was accepted and not the other
- Adam and Eve would surely have taught their children about the need for the sacrifice of blood
- Abel believed this and came before God in faith
- Enoch did not and did not have faith before God
- Abel was justified in his faith, not being better, more devout, better natured, a good person; simply he believed in God's word
- Consider two brothers in the same family
- Do you believe in God's word?
- Cain:
- 1 John 3:12 - Cain was under the evil one
- God was gracious with him
- God reasoned with him
- Jude 10:11
- People have gone in the way of Cain
- Abel's sacrifice (and life) still speak
- Heb 11:4
- Only faith will justify a person - God must punish sin but He forgives the repentant
- Abel is an example of Justifying Faith
Enoch had Rewarded Faith (v5-6)
- Enoch was in the 7th generation from Adam
- Gen 5:24 - God took him / translated him
- After 300 years of walking with God he did not see death
- His body did not go down into a grave
- He was transformed in the twinkling of an eye
- He had such a close and intimate relationship with God
- Was it not easier for Enoch living in an earlier time?
- Jude v14-15 [see below]
- He was a preacher and prophet in a very difficult time
- Do we walk closely with God, pray to God, obey God's word?
- We need close communion with God
- True faith will be rewarded - there is life beyond the grave
- Prov 8:17
- Heb 11:6 - You will never be disappointed if you truly seek God with all your heart - you will find Him
Noah had Active/Obedient Faith (v7)
- Noah lived 1500 years after Adam
- Gen 6 - The thoughts and intents of mens heart at that time was continually evil
- Think about people living in the territories of ISIS and their evil desires
- There was a fresh start - God's judgement
- God told Noah to make an ark
- It was very large: 450 feet by 75 feet by 45 feet
- Box like in shape - built for steadiness
- Ratio of 1:6 or 1:8 for ships - the ark was exactly the right proportion
- Noah had 120 years to build the ark
- Noah was a preacher of righteousness
- He had no synagogue or platform to preach from
- He faith was obedient and active
- There was no rainfall as such in his time, but he believed that God was going to send a huge deluge
- Genuine faith is always active
- James 2:14-20
- A persons life shows whether they have real faith
- Faith without works is dead
- We must examine ourselves and ask 'are we in the faith'
- Prayers without faith are not heard, not listened to
- Listening to God word with no faith does not bring any blessing
- Faith can always be seen
- Jesus sees the faith in the four men carrying the paralytic
- Peter was transformed by faith and said "depart from me I am a sinful man"
- The message that Christians preach must be seen to be real and true
Closing Remarks
- Abel had justifying faith
- Enoch had faith - he walked with God for 300 years
- Noah had obedient faith
- Do you have faith?
- The just shall live by faith?
- Do you have faith in the Son of God that He died for sinners, took all your sins on the cross, rose from the dead and is coming again?
- If you believe in Jesus Christ you will be saved and you will be with Him in glory