June 19, 2022

A Psalm about Jesus

Passage: Psalm 118:1-29
Service Type:


First a reminder of the parable of the vineyard – recap

Israel was God’s vineyard but they had rejected God’s Messiah
The vineyard is given over to the Gentiles

A key verse – v22

Jesus quotes from Ps 118:22

Matt 21, Mark 12, Luke 20 – in each account, Jesus quotes from Ps 118

Ps 118:22 – quoted by Luke in Acts 4:11, quoted by Peter in 1 Peter 2:7, quoted by Paul in Ephesians 2:20

Other verses quoted:

v25-26 – quoted by Luke (13:35, 19:38) and Matthew (21:9, 23:39)

This is a Messianic psalm
Jesus probably sung all 6 Hallel Psalms

However, He certainly knew this passage
What would these words have meant to Jesus


What does the psalm mean to Jesus Christ?
What does the psalm mean to us?

What does the psalm mean to Jesus Christ?

Jesus knew that He was going to the cross … and that on the third day He would rise again

He was facing an excruciating death and separation from the Father

Fellowship would be broken
He suffered the wrath of God

Yet He was still able to sing a hymn going to Gethsemane

What was in His mind as He would have sung Ps 117?
The heathen nations would be given to Him

This Psalm was also sung in Ezra’s time (v1,29)

He would have know this
He saw deep things in this psalm

Comforting truths

v5 – a personal experience of another, applied to Himself
v6 – the disciples feared
v17 – He reminded Mary and Martha that death was only a sleep
v22/23 – the most important stone of any building, rejected by all people but becoming the rock for His Church
v24 – what triumph!

The Gospels make us think of the suffering Servant – Isa 52/53
But He rejoiced in His Father

v27 – Jesus was bounds with cords of love as the singular sacrifice

Context – Most would say this related to King David

He trusted not in man but in the Lord
Some also thinks this points to Christ – for all His enemies will be put under His feet

What does the psalm mean to us?

v5 – can we call on the Lord in distress?

Do we understand He delivers us from distress and brings us into a place of freedom and liberty?

Jesus taught that heaven was like a bountiful banquet
Jesus had come to give life in abundance 

Christianity is not about restrictions (though there is the ‘straight and narrow’) – there is joy

The non-Christian is under pressure
The non-Christian is under sin
When our chains fall off, we are brought into a broad place
We have a living relationship with God
We are brought from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light
We enjoy the pleasures of life given by God
We live a joyful life
We have peace with God
We have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us
We have a certain future
We do not just live for the day or the moment
We have a glorious future with God and Christ

v25-26 – Blessed is He / Hosanna / Save now

Many who called out Hosanna, quickly cried out ‘crucify Him’
Let us call us ‘save now’ if we do not know Christ
Be thankful for those bringing the Gospel
Be thankful for Jesus who will come in glory

v6 – The Lord is on our side

We are on His side and therefore He is on our side
Heb 13:6
Heb 10:32-34
When we look at Scriptures, we are often encouraged to look back and learn from the past
We are also encouraged to look forward, beyond the present situation
Example of John Bunyan

v8-9 – We must trust in God rather than man

Not our own ingenuity or others
We do our part, but we trust in the Lord

His purposes are wise and He knows what He is doing

We give the glory to Him

v1, 29 – Give thanks

Jesus was thankful as He sand this psalm – as He would save His people from their sins
1 Thess 5:18 – give thanks in all things
Great mercy (v1-4), for which we can give thanks

Closing Remarks