Old Llantrisant Hill
- The last few verses are a wonderful reminder of the grace of God
- Examples of TV ‘makeover’ programs – all aiming for change
- The message of the Bible – God’s ultimate makeover for people
- Deeper, more profound, longer lasting – truly life changing
- God recreates those who put there trust in Him – v17
- Example of ‘Ten Years Younger’
- She looked different on the outside, but internally there was very little difference
- God is talking about far more than surface level tweaks
- The Pharisees did not understand this – outwardly they looked impressive
- Yet Jesus was not impressed
- Jesus came to bring internal change – real, lasting transformation
- Example of rubbish bin
- The most terrible acts can come from ‘religious’ people – because they are still unclean on the inside
- Jesus does not look at the outward appearance but inwardly at our hearts
- The Pharisees were hypocrites and murderers
- Jesus came to transform the core of our being
- How can we be made into a new creation?
- v21 – Jesus was made sin for us
- We have a serious problem before God – sin
- We must humbly accept this
- Left to ourselves, we have no desire for God
- This leads to much sin – examples
- Even our good deeds are often self-serving – examples
- "Our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked" – Jer 17:9
- Acknowledging our sin/our state is the first step to transformation – to realise you need transformation
- Christ offers us a new heart, He changes our desires
- How does God transform us?
- The first step is recognising our sin
- The second step – we must realise who Jesus is
- He made sin
- He lived a perfect and sinless life
- He was the God Man – the second person of the Trinity
- He was flawless
- Our transformation relies on someone who is not like us
- The one who knew no sin, became sin for us – v21
- He went to the cross
- He came to take our punishment for disobedience to the law of God
- He identifies with our sin as though it was His own
- He bore our guilt
- He paid the price for our sin – example
- He took full legal responsibility for our sin
- By His wounds/stripes we are healed – Isa 53:5
- He put our sin to death on the cross
- He rose from the grave victorious over sin and death
- The third step – we must recognise that by faith all our sins are counted against Him and not us
- Without this – we cannot overcome sin
- Example of brother
- When we grasp the above – everything changes
- We have Christ’s obedience to the law
- We have all we need from Him for our transformation
- We receive it as a gift
- Be reconciled to God – v20
- We cannot for we are sinners
- But we can through faith – the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ
- By trusting in Him and asking Him to change us
- Turning from sin in repentance to Him
- Trusting only in Christ
- By grace – the free gift of God (Eph 2:8-9)
- Changed into the image of Christ
- Closing Remarks
- An instant new transformation
- We live in Christ
- We will never be the same again – examples
- We will be perfect one day in heaven (not overnight)
- Quote from CS Lewis in "Mere Christianity"
- A transformation where Christ comes to dwell in us
- Complete transformation is available to all of us – be reconciled to God
- Cast your sin upon Jesus and He will give His perfect life to you
- You will be changed forever