Old Llantrisant Hill
- At times we have taken our mother for granted
- A mothers love is great
- The sad truth is that some mothers do not fully love their children
- God's love does fail towards His children
- A parallel between God's love and a mother's love
- God has written our names indelibly on the palms of His hands
What is a mothers love?
- King Solomon: Example of a mother's love
- To protect and love her offspring
- An inherent desire to have children (Example of Rachel and Hannah)
- A natural instinct to have children and bring them up
- Children are a blessing
- Psalm 127:3-5
- Children are a precious gift from God
- Motherhood is not everything
- Some are called to singleness
- Not everyone can have children
- It is not always easy to love your children
- Especially when children reject the love of a mother or father
- Titus 2:5
- Many examples of a mothers love in the Bible
- Jochebed - mother of Moses who hid him from Pharaoh, set Miriam to pray for him
- A mother's love is about self-sacrifice
- Hannah - dedicated her only child (Samuel) to God's service
- The prayers of a mother for Augustine, Hudson Taylor
- The prayers of a mother and grandmother for Timothy (Lois and Eunice)
- Naomi - lost her husband and two children but loved Ruth
- Summary:
- Natural affection
- Instinct to have a child
- Sacrifice and prayer
- Guidance
How can it be that this love fails?
- Not for Mary - she was at the cross as Jesus was crucified
- Examples in society:
- Extreme cases of neglect, abuse, etc
- May be that people are no longer on speaking terms with their children
- An inability to forgive or forget
- One child favoured and another neglected
- Break up of relationships and estrangement
- This happens because we are sinners
- Examples in the Bible:
- Rachel - favoured as Jacob
- Herodias - called for the head of John the Baptist
- Sin is at the centre of all spoiled relationships
- Sin is mankind's greatest problem
- God sent His son to forgive sin
How is God's love greater than any human's love?
- God will never forget His children - those who eternally belong to Him
- Even if they rebel or backslide, God will draw them with cords of love
- His forgiveness is total
- His patience is unending
- All our sin was laid on The Lord Jesus
- Can we understand the wrath of God poured out on Jesus?
- Can we understand the love of God?
- Is the blood of Jesus precious to you this morning?
- If we want to be true human beings we must know God's love
- If you become a child of God He will never forget you