June 16, 2019

A man’s faith, a Sovereign Lord

Passage: Luke 7:1-17
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 7:1-17 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Luke’s Gospel | Introduction

Looking at two different miracles – with two different emphases

The Centurion’s Servant
The Raising of the Son of the Widow of Nain

Going to bring out two different truths:

The Bible is a balanced book
We as sinful people are often unbalanced


Two truths:

v1-10: a need for faith

A pagan man who had greater faith than all of Israel


No calling out in faith
The Sovereignty of God

Two truths:

One emphasises man, our responsibly to believe
The other emphasises God’s work, His Sovereignty

Christianity is all about God (and what He has done in the Lord Jesus Christ)

The Bible presents a balanced view
We must have a balanced view 
God’s Sovereignty and man’s responsibility


A man’s faith (v1-10)
A Sovereign Lord (v11-17)

A man’s faith

Who was the Roman Centurion?

A great man of wealth and power

He had many servants
He had soldiers

He was stationed in Capernaum

Jesus performed many miracles in Capernaum

Sadly they were an unbelieving town
His faith stands out in a place of blindness and unbelief

A gentile

It was strange that a gentile showed such love towards the Jewish people

They were enemies – the Jews hated the Romans
The gentiles despised the Jewish people

He calls upon the elders of the synagogue to go to Jesus

They say he has built them a synagogue

He had rejected polytheism

Maybe he had joined the synagogue

As people we make generalisations – we are often wrong
We see common grace

The centurion is acting long before he met Jesus
Example of Corneilius
We are all sinners

He loves his servant

Many would love their family – how many would bother about a servant?
He has heard about and believes in Jesus

He had such great faith (v9)

The Roman Centurion had come to faith in Jesus
He had not had the privilege of a Jewish training/upbringing
Yet God had chosen him for salvation
His occupation did not bar him from faith
Where do we find great faith today?

Not necessarily in the religious establishment
Not restricted to any profession
Not restricted to those who are gifted in the Scriptures

Faith in a Person

Not faith in a dogma – but faith in a person – the Lord Jesus Christ
What he had heard about Jesus he believed with all his heart


He believed that Jesus only needed to speak a word and His servant would be healed
A humble faith – he did not feel worthy to go to Jesus


Are we looking for proof or testing God?
Do we say that the word of God is not enough?
Cry out to God and ask for such a faith!
Believe in the Word of God

A Sovereign Lord

A widow

She has lost her husband
She has lost her only son
Can we imagine the grief?
Her past is bad, her future is very bleak

The funeral

An immediate funeral

Jesus had likely walked 40 miles
He has compassion
Jesus has great compassion on people

Jesus touches the person

He is Lord of the law
He speaks with great power

Only the Son of God can do this

The man is raised from the dead

He really was dead
Like Lazarus
Jesus has mighty power

A stupendous miracle

No-one had prayed or cried to Jesus

Not like with the Centurion

No action of man
The Sovereign act of God

Great fear came upon them

They didn’t have a faith
It appeared that their hearts were not changed

A picture of salvation

A sinner dead in trespass and sin

We are far off from God, in darkness
We are spiritually dead

We need the movement of God towards us

God sends Jesus Christ

We cannot be saved by the law – we needed a Saviour

There are always two sides to truth

God has sent Jesus
We must call upon God and have faith in Jesus Christ
John 3:16-18


Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
Do you believe the word of God
Have you entrusted your life to Jesus?