Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at a Chosen Family
- Who would have thought that a man with 2 wives and children through 4 women would be chose by God to be the progenitor of the nation of Israel
- From him would come the 12 Tribes of Israel
- Not one child was exempt – though there was much failure in many
- The story of Jacob is the story of God’s grace
- One of the titles of God in the Old Testament is the God of Jacob – Ps 46
- How Jacob was transformed in God’s grace
- Thinking about a chosen family
- Thinking tonight about a chosen son
- Jacob had two wives
- One loved (Rachel) and one unloved (Leah)
- The blessings came to the son of the one who was unloved wife (Leah)
- The Messiah would come from Judah
- Great kings would come from Judah
- Judah was pre-eminent amongst his brothers
- Looking at Judah this evening
- Reading Genesis 49:8-12
Judah the Preeminent One
- Deut 21:15-17 – The firstborn blessings should go to the first born, even if borne by the unloved wife
- Reuben forfeited his firstborn blessings, as did Simeon and Levi
- God chooses Judah – the fourth born
- God has not forgotten Joseph, who is also blessed
- Judah is more blessed
- Judah’s name means praise (v8)
- Although we saw his actions with Tamar and Joseph, we saw his repentance and humility
- We praise God for the grace of God seen in Judah
- We praise God when we hear such testimony
- v8 – Judah is taking the place of Joseph
- The family will bow down to him – certainly in terms of his military prowess
- He is the preeminent one amongst the 12
- This reminds us of Jesus Christ
- The first Adam versus the second Adam
- Our Elder Brother preeminent
Judah is Powerful
- v9 – a picture of Judah, who began as a small cub
- Read the Book of Joshua – Example of Caleb
- Read the Book of the Judges – Judah taking the lead
- Read the Book of the Kings – Judah (the place) becomes powerful and the righteous kings come from Judah
- Judah is prefiguring Jesus Christ – described as being the Lion of the tribe of Judah
- Jesus will come in great power as a lion to judge the nations
- v10 – The sceptre will not depart from Judah
- Even when the kingdom split into the Northern and Southern kingdoms
- At the time of Jesus – the most significant region was Judah
- Jacob in his time of dying is given these revelations
Judah as the Precursor to the Messiah
- v10 – until Shiloh comes
- "Shiloh" – difficult to translate, it involves peace and rest
- Until the one the sceptre belongs to comes – Jesus Christ
- Christ will establish His kingdom – it will grown like a mustard seed
- Christ brings peace
- Christ gives rest
- Christ satisfies the soul
- Ps 72:8 – Christ will have dominion from sea to sea
- Ps 72:11 – all peoples/nations shall worship Christ
- It is lovely to be where the nations are gathered
- Christ came for the nations
- Ps 72:12 – Christ came for the broken hearted, set the captive free, give good news to the poor, for sinners
- Ps 72:13
- Ps 72:17 – Jacob sees the day of Messiah
- Not just Abraham seeing the day of Christ
- The nations are blessed in Christ
- Christians have every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus – examples
Judah shall be Prosperous
- v11 – Fruitfulness in Judah, a fertile land, such that the donkey can be tied to the vine and you could wash your clothes in the grapejuice
- A metaphor
- Jesus is the vine, we are the branches
- His clothes were washed in blood [at the cross]
- v12 – speaking of the character of Jesus
Closing Remarks
- As we come to the table – remember the body and blood of Jesus that was given for you, for the forgiveness of sins
- We can know the abundant blessings offered to us in the gospel – through Jesus Christ
- As you remember Him – let you hearts be warmed and be encouraged
- We have all we ever need in Him