Old Llantrisant Hill
- 2 Cor 13:5
- A challenge to examine ourselves
- What fruit are you bearing?
- How the Lord deals with those who do not bear fruit
- "There must be more than this" - Song
- In churches - a lot lacking and much to be desired
- Example of Missionaries in India
- The state of our churches
- Why did Jesus die? - what is our confidence in the Lord?
- Jesus desires more from us
Matthew 21:18-19
- Have you ever known hunger?
- Jesus is hungry
- Jesus curses the tree and it immediately withers
- Jesus desired so much more of the tree
- Application:
- Jesus is hungry for our fruit
- What happens when there is no fruit?
- Jesus cursed the fig tree - it looked beautiful but deceived
- Is there any fruit in the church of Jesus?
- Challenge:
- Are we in danger of being cursed or thrown into the fire?
- Have we become a fruitless people?
- Are we hypocrites?
- Are we backslidden?
- Is our heart and home in heaven?
John 15:1-11
- God cuts off every branch that bears no fruit (v2)
- Do non-Christians find in us things that grab their attention?
- Would Jesus find things that grab His attention?
- Ezekiel 14:12-14
- God would not spare the people even for Noah, Daniel or John
- God searches the heart
- God looks for truth, obedience and trust
- Truth - Christ at the centre, worshiping in spirit and truth, saved only by grace
- Obedience - love for God, each others and our neighbours; obedient to the gospel commission
- Trust - in Jesus salvation and righteousness, bought at a price, all that we have - is His, resting in and confidence in Jesus Christ
- Why did Jesus come?
- To reveal the father
- To show humility and obedience
- To suffer, die and conquer death through His resurrection
- Challenge:
- Do we have a desire to worship God?
- Do we have an obedient heart?
- Are we servants?
- Self Examination
- Think how Jesus spoke to the Church of Laodecia
- Compare with the life of David - "a man after God's own heart"
- How can we be fruitful people?
- Remain/abide in Jesus (v4)
- Pray (v7)
- God is glorified when we bear much fruit
- We are not to wait or slumber
- We need to examine ourselves
- We need to repent
- We need to seek Him
- A great reward: His joy will be in us
- Neh 8:10
- We would be stronger Christians
- A great reward: our joy will be complete