Old Llantrisant Hill
- It is a blessing to join you in celebrating 200 years of Tabor Baptist Church
- The theme of Revelation 1 – the ongoing work of God
- John was on Patmos for the word of God (v9)
- He was exiled here
- The 7 Churches
- 5 are called to repent / 2 called to continue
- Fairly challenging things were happening in these churches – examples
- Not the examples that I would choose
- But Christ points us to these Churches
- In them, we see all the errors in the Church today – examples
- John was writing at a time of great persecution of Christians
- It is at this time he is given this great revelation/vision of Jesus Christ
- We all need a great vision of Jesus Christ
- We must not lose sight of the vision of Jesus conquering death and hell
- Central to the vision is a view of the heavenly exalted Jesus (v12-17)
- Difficult perhaps to comprehend
- Difficult to find words to describe the overwhelming glory of Jesus Christ
- It is not a small thing
- Though people may think the voice of the Church is irrelevant
- We must not be affected by this thinking
- It is designed to be a comfort to John and us (v5)
- The effect on John is significant (v17)
- Jesus exhorts John not to be afraid
- The words are given to strengthen and reassure John and us
- We are pointed to where Jesus is standing
- Not seated on a throne
- Among the lampstands (v12-13) – that are the churches (v20)
- Jesus stands among the lampstands/churches
- Christ still stands amongst His Church
- Christ by His Spirit is present
- Christ is with us
- Christ has given authority to the Church
- Christ’s intention is to work in us to make us holy, to revive and reformed
- How does Christ revive and reform?
- 3 movements:
- Being held
- Coming out of His mouth
- Shining forth
The hand that holds
- The right hand of Christ holds the 7 stars
- 7 angels/messengers of the churches (v20)
- 7 letters in chapter 2-3 to His churches
- He uses means and messengers to His people
- An indicator of Christ’s commitment to His Church
- A reminder that God does not change
- God sends His messengers to His Churches
- These messengers are in His right hand
- Gospel messengers
The sword that proceeds
- Christ is speaking to the Church
- It is not about the messenger but about Christ
- Eph 6 – the Sword of the Spirit is the word of God
- Christ speaks through His word
- We have the Bible
- Heb 4 – the living word
- Christ works though His messengers but the great tool is the word of God
- The centrality is the word of God
- Our great trajectory is to shine for God
- Even though many things press upon us – we need to hear the voice of Christ
- Christ speaks to us
- We must come to church expecting to hear His voice
The face of Christ that shines out
- This is Christ’s disposition before the Church at all times
- Do we get angry, perplexed and frustrated at the Church today?
- Jesus’ face shines when He considers His Church
- Not because He condones sin or back-sliding
- His heart is always towards His people
- Are we in danger of falling into a unbiblical view of Christ towards the Church?
- He is not disappointed with us
- His face shines towards us, His blessing is on us, He desires our growth
- He stands with us, He has given us His messengers, He has given us His word
- Be encouraged
- Give yourselves fully to the work of hearing the word of God, responding and living in accordance with it