Not that he had a great job (as king) but he did a great job
He rebuilt the temple, the villages, guards the land, controlled enemies, blessed his own people by creating jobs for them
Do we do a great job (not have a great job or even paid employment)?
E.g. roles in family life, church life
Not having a great job but doing a great job - personal example
2. Put God first (8:12-16)
Built the temple first
Kept the major festivals
Organised the religious system (v14-15)
Builds a spectacular temple (v16)
People walk away from God as we put things in number one place in front of God
We are in danger of putting things in front of God
Will we put God first?
Solomon put God first and was greatly blessed
There is a cost to putting God first but also great reward
Have I ever regretted putting God first?
3. Bring glory to God (9:1-12)
Queen of Sheba comes to see Solomon's wisdom
Solomon draws people in glory to God
God was glorified (v5-8)
God's blessing of us acts like a mirror to reflect God's glory
We should be like the moon that reflects the glory of the sun, but reflecting the glory of God
1 Pet 2:12 - "...having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of
4. Bless others with his blessing (9:13-21)
He had lots of silver and gold
He did not acquire this wealth at the expense of his people but instead used it to bless the nation (v22-27)
What has God blessed us with?
How do we use our wealth, our time, our talents & gifts?
Are people blessed through us?
Solomon's Failure
Solomon took his eyes of God and started to slip and fall
With the best will in the world we can't do this (on our own)
Matt 12:42 - "The queen of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and indeed a greater than Solomon is here."
We don't follow Solomon but a great King
We follow Jesus the King who blesses people through history and for all eternity
I can live the life I was meant to live through Jesus