Introduction Looking at Joseph Overview to date A picture of Jesus Christ Joseph's brothers bowing down before again Once before and twice again Fulfilment of the dreams 20-21 years previously…
Introduction Example of Jacob and of Joseph Ecc 7:8 - "the end of a thing is better than its beginning" To discover their money purse - the worst news possible…
Introduction To look at one verse - appropriate for a Communion Service Words in the Old Testament and the New Testament Reading: Genesis 41:55 Pharaoh speaking about Joseph - a…
Introduction We all go through different phases of life - examples Example of Joseph What phase of life are you in? God is faithful and is with us God does…
Introduction Prepared for Future Service Sometimes there are mysteries in life - Example of Manuel - a life of complete service Whilst we are still here - there is something…
Introduction Considering Romans 8 but first looking at some parallels from the life of Joseph We see Joseph again isolated in chapter 40-43 First by/from his family Now in the…
Introduction Looking at Genesis 39-40 and concentrating on the passage from 1 Peter A young man submitting to his employer The need to submit in our workplace and to governing…
Introduction Joseph is an extremely encouraging character Sold as a slave Yet Joseph did not seem to complain, but worked with such integrity he was entrusted will all Potiphar's affairs…
Introduction There is a big difference between temptation and sin We are often tempted - examples Potiphar's wife was desiring Joseph He was handsome, probably 17 years old She had…