Introduction Reading 5:12-21 from ESV Contrasting Adam to Christ Reading 5:12-19 We are united to Christ This truth is liberating and joy giving We used to be in Adam -…
Introduction "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose" - v28 Do you…
Introduction Looking particularly at v15-23 Recently celebrated 6th June - 80th Anniversary of D-Day A hard won privilege Deut 15:15 - "You shall remember that you were a slave in…
No sermon notes available but the following headings: We have been justified We have been joined We have been judged
Christianity is not morality We preach Jesus Christ As Christians, there is a way to live Let love be without hypocrisy This is not an irksome thing but it is…
Introduction Example of William Carey - is the command to the apostles to teach all nations an obligation on all succeeding ministers to the ends of the world? Who became…
Introduction Expanding last weeks theme in 1 Cor 8 - to bring some extra thoughts How do we make decisions How do we consider Christian conscience Christians differ in grey…
Looking at one verse tonight - Rom 5:5 Could have looked at 1 Cor 2:2 Rom 5:1-5 shared by Adrian Carey-Jones at the Missionary Meeting Trials bring out character Trials,…
Introduction We need to hear again the Missionary Call We must not choose the easy way We must refresh ourselves with the call to Missions The Missionary Call: A summation…
The series - Complimentary and Paradoxical Truths We started with "The love and wrath of God" Quick recap We must have a balanced view Last week we considered "Human depravity…