Introduction Looking at overcoming conflict - this requires a lot from us Tonight - thinking about conflict in the family Husband and spouse Parent and child Siblings The extended family…
Introduction The call to the husband is to love (as Christ loved the Church) The wife is to submit to their husband The natural progression is to look at the…
Introduction It is important for the Church to consider marriage and the family In the UK 42% of all marriage ends in divorce Around 25% of 'Christian' marriage end in…
Introduction As a communion service - no better theme thank to think of God’s love for His people Example of Mark's Testimony - God loves us God has loved us…
Introduction Text found in v17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith A crucial prayer - dealing with our hearts A prayer for the family of God (v14)…
Apologies for the reduced audio quality Introduction Examples of the presence and the fear of God What about the world? What about the Church? Ps 114 is about the powerful…
Introduction You are familiar with Eph 1 Paul begins to praise God - reasons Paul's prayer - v15 v17 - that we may know Him v18 - to know the…
Introduction v13 would not be preached with the [so-called] 'wealth, health and prosperity' gospel Paul is in prison, unable to preach the freely gospel Paul call's his problems not embarrassing…
Introduction Looking at Eph 6:10 The people were saved out of an occult background Yet a church was born Satan from the start wanted to destroy this church right from…